Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last Post, Have A Happy Holiday !!!!

Wow what a semester. I had a great time in class with everyone. Have a happy holiday!!!!

Christmas in Harlem = Nothing Better !!! 

The Persuaders: Key Terms

Neuromarketing (psychological): Neuromarketing is the idea that consumers are driven by unconscious desires. Companies use focus groups and interview consumers to understand the mind of the consumer. An example of this would be a company like Mcdonalds holding a focus group of five year olds to understand how they respond to their logo. 

Emotional branding: Emotional branding is when consumers associate certain feelings with using a certain product or brandname.  An example of this would be a Cheerios commercial depicting a grandmother and her child sharing a bowl. Consumers Can connect the emotional bond they have with their family with the brand.  

Branding/creating a culture around a brand: Deals with convincing consumers that if they buy a product or brand, they will live the lifestyle associated with that product or brand. An in class example of branding would be the failed airline Song. instead of focusing on the product and making consumers aware of what the airline can do against the competition, Song developed a persona followed by obscure marketing methods to deliver their message to make consumers feel like they were apart of a movement.  

Narrowcasting: Narrowcasting is the concept of reaching consumers one-by-one by sending very direct messages tailored for very concise groups of people. An example of this would be direct mailing. The letters can be tailored to each recipient's desires and interests.

Rhetorical marketing: The changing around words in order to change the meaning or severity of the message. An example of this is using the term "War on Drugs" instead of the specific "Drug Wars." Some people see both terms as the same thing, but the "War on Drugs" sounds much more intense.

Under-the-radar-marketing: When a company uses low frequency forms of media to get their band out in the eye of the public.  For example some products use the same colors and similar logos as their competitors to gain an slight visibility

Product placement across media: When companies strategicly place their product in diffent forms of media like t.v and film. It is supposed to be seamless and un-obvious that it is an advertisement. For example when the star of the moive Transporter drives an audi.

Vector Image

After some brainstorming with Professor J, we came up with this beauty..... 

I was trying to design a cool Punisher tattoo..... remember where you saw it first !


1. Based on this debate and previous readings What Definition of democracy do you feel is most fitting for us to use in-conjunction our growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies? 
Based on the readings and debate, Andrew Keen's and Farhod Manjoo's definition of democracy is most appropriate for us to use in conjunction with our growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies. Many of us don't take the time to really question the validity the information holds. Instead most people internalize opinion as fact and get facts misconscrewed. The layer of secrecy creates proctection from those who do publish demeening, and ill legitamate content on the web. Keen clearly states that he fears democratized media will "threaten the very future of our cultural institutions". So it is most fitting to lean towards a represenative style of internet in the time to come. 

2. How does your answer to #1 fit into the unchecked nature of Web 2.0 technologies, and what are some tangible examples of this? Do you feel this is an important issue that needs to be addressed further?
- My answer for number one fits well as a solution to the element of content being uncheck in the new web 2.0.People now have no restrictions and guidelines for posting content. People also now see the internet as more than digital encyclopedias. The internet is now a primary resource to gain affection and maintain relationships. When you mix the ungoverned component of the new web 2.0 disaster can strike in the worst way. Cyberbullying is even more dangerous because how much more the internet is apart of our lives now. Sites like myspace and facebook and bring us together, but those with malice and no restriction behind the keyboard can inflict pain on others beyond return.

3. Define and describe the phenomenon of the Media echo-chamber as described in the Internet Debates. What are some examples of this silo effect, and do you believe it is an issue that needs to be addressed? Why or Why not?
A media echo chamber is the idea of only similar opinions on a topic being posted via some type of media (like blogs or youtube vids). As a result, we don't hear the other side of an argument and lose out on another point of view. A great example of this are many cult like and close minded blogs. The one i listed is a white supremacist blog that is beyond ignorant. The site just further reinforces their agendas and ideals, instead of allowing content from another outlook on issues, which is in essence is the silo effect. It is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed because in order to progress as nation (and people in general) and grow we have to face what we don't agree with. By doing this we can gain insight on how others may perceive the same topic, and learn from the experience.
4. What are some ways that expertise and authority could be (or is being) enforced on the Internet? Who would be behind these forces? Why do you believe are they are needed or not needed? 
-Yes I do believe content on the Internet should be regulated with reason. The facts given out should be check and back by some research. is a great way to check facts online before posting info that maybe out someones expertise. Barring total control over Internet-connected computers is almost impossible and unnecessary, but if we regulate the facts we put online and stay away from being malicious then web 2.0 can have longevity

5.Give a through example of an adaptation or improvement made by a of a social, political, or cultural group, government, business or individual to keep up with changing nature of the Internet. 
- An example of an adaptation or improvement made by a of a social, political, or cultural group, government, business or individual to keep up with changing nature of the Internet would be Marist college. Marist College's student government now has a twitter account, and facebook page. This adaptation to the new trend in technology has allowed Marist to stay relevant with the influx of new scholars that are already fully acquainted with the sites.

6.Is democracy threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet?
At the core of democracy there is the ever-present right of freedom of speech. Without this no matter how ill willed some people use it, this country will not have the advances it has today. So no i do not think democracy is threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet.  

The Great Seduction

1. How does Keen's does Keen define Democratized media, and what are his main issues with this trend? use examples from the web in the form of links.

Andrew Keen defines democratized media as this type of media in which everyone can contribute to the flow of information that is out there. His main issues with democratized media are that this "user-generated" content means there is less culture, less reliable news to be received. He argues that Web 2.0 is making it near impossible to create and establish our own thoughts because there is so much on the Internet for people to work off of and reference. Keen has an array of  issues and discontent with the new Web 2.0 but one of his main issues is that the democratized media will dilute the truth and lead the culture astray. This new form of easy access media allows anyone with an opinion to post what they want, and the public interpret it as they may. For my reference I chose this video not only for it's comedic value but because it is a testament to how low quality content can prove valuable for marketing with enough hits. This video was shot in a living room and became an overnight sensation which proved the power of YouTube's ability to reach the masses in a cost effective manner.

2. Compare and Contrast Keens take on Social Media with Douglas Rushkoff's. Which one speaks to you and your own experiences and why?

Andrew Keen has a negative outlook on the possibilities of web 2.o, whereas Douglas Rushkoff sees both positive and negatives. Andrew Keen sees Web 2.0 as something that is diminishing all other media and it's ability to be truly original. Rushkoff has a more balanced approach, by identifying the potential of the future of the web positively and negatively. 

I personally realte with Rushkoff more than Keen. Media is an extention of the culture and new ideas no matter how left feild are inspired from somewhere. And the ability to create content and have everyone see your final product on a public website like youtube is incredible. For musicicians trying to push their brand it gives them the oppertunity to cross boarders and stay true to their art by not conforming.

My last link is a video by an independent artist by the name of Kendrick Lamar. The video was produced independently and still has a professional feel. The advent of you allows his video to be seen by an inlimited number of hungry ears. He is a prime example of someone taking full advantage of web 2.0

Partner Responses Cont'd

To Ryan Fitzsimons: Thanks for your feedback. As for the ending being short winded; I wrote the paper from a more interpretive stand point and the technology itself is still grow so the possibilities are endless.

To Janae Myers: Your questions were very thought provoking. I personally believe that having access to alternative freeware is great however to be honest my perspective is a bit biased. From a business frame of mind this has proved to be detrimental to some software companies. However what keep the giants at Microsoft a head of the competition is their stellar consistency, which open and crowd sourcing lacks. Also many corporate giants usually employ those who are working against them for higher compensation so in that instance jobs are created. As for the future I can't give an exact Terra card reading, but I think having an alternative does have its benefits and provides balance against "the machine" ! So the sky is the limit....

Paper Response Partners

Janae Myers & Ryan Fitzsimons - Thanks for replying