Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Persuaders: Key Terms

Neuromarketing (psychological): Neuromarketing is the idea that consumers are driven by unconscious desires. Companies use focus groups and interview consumers to understand the mind of the consumer. An example of this would be a company like Mcdonalds holding a focus group of five year olds to understand how they respond to their logo. 

Emotional branding: Emotional branding is when consumers associate certain feelings with using a certain product or brandname.  An example of this would be a Cheerios commercial depicting a grandmother and her child sharing a bowl. Consumers Can connect the emotional bond they have with their family with the brand.  

Branding/creating a culture around a brand: Deals with convincing consumers that if they buy a product or brand, they will live the lifestyle associated with that product or brand. An in class example of branding would be the failed airline Song. instead of focusing on the product and making consumers aware of what the airline can do against the competition, Song developed a persona followed by obscure marketing methods to deliver their message to make consumers feel like they were apart of a movement.  

Narrowcasting: Narrowcasting is the concept of reaching consumers one-by-one by sending very direct messages tailored for very concise groups of people. An example of this would be direct mailing. The letters can be tailored to each recipient's desires and interests.

Rhetorical marketing: The changing around words in order to change the meaning or severity of the message. An example of this is using the term "War on Drugs" instead of the specific "Drug Wars." Some people see both terms as the same thing, but the "War on Drugs" sounds much more intense.

Under-the-radar-marketing: When a company uses low frequency forms of media to get their band out in the eye of the public.  For example some products use the same colors and similar logos as their competitors to gain an slight visibility

Product placement across media: When companies strategicly place their product in diffent forms of media like t.v and film. It is supposed to be seamless and un-obvious that it is an advertisement. For example when the star of the moive Transporter drives an audi.

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