Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Great Seduction

1. How does Keen's does Keen define Democratized media, and what are his main issues with this trend? use examples from the web in the form of links.

Andrew Keen defines democratized media as this type of media in which everyone can contribute to the flow of information that is out there. His main issues with democratized media are that this "user-generated" content means there is less culture, less reliable news to be received. He argues that Web 2.0 is making it near impossible to create and establish our own thoughts because there is so much on the Internet for people to work off of and reference. Keen has an array of  issues and discontent with the new Web 2.0 but one of his main issues is that the democratized media will dilute the truth and lead the culture astray. This new form of easy access media allows anyone with an opinion to post what they want, and the public interpret it as they may. For my reference I chose this video not only for it's comedic value but because it is a testament to how low quality content can prove valuable for marketing with enough hits. This video was shot in a living room and became an overnight sensation which proved the power of YouTube's ability to reach the masses in a cost effective manner.

2. Compare and Contrast Keens take on Social Media with Douglas Rushkoff's. Which one speaks to you and your own experiences and why?

Andrew Keen has a negative outlook on the possibilities of web 2.o, whereas Douglas Rushkoff sees both positive and negatives. Andrew Keen sees Web 2.0 as something that is diminishing all other media and it's ability to be truly original. Rushkoff has a more balanced approach, by identifying the potential of the future of the web positively and negatively. 

I personally realte with Rushkoff more than Keen. Media is an extention of the culture and new ideas no matter how left feild are inspired from somewhere. And the ability to create content and have everyone see your final product on a public website like youtube is incredible. For musicicians trying to push their brand it gives them the oppertunity to cross boarders and stay true to their art by not conforming.

My last link is a video by an independent artist by the name of Kendrick Lamar. The video was produced independently and still has a professional feel. The advent of you allows his video to be seen by an inlimited number of hungry ears. He is a prime example of someone taking full advantage of web 2.0

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