Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Media

Media is a never ending force that continues to become more personalized. Here are some forms of media that are up and coming. 

Digital Graffiti Wall: The Digital Graffiti Wall is an interactive, fun and inventive drawing tool where users create digital graffiti on a large wall using a modified spray paint can. Instead of paint, when the cap is pressed the can 'sprays' invisible light, which is tracked by the computer as it moves across the digital wall.  The digital pain appears wherever the can is sprayed, just like spraying on a real wall. 

GPS Advertising: This form of advertising is relatively new, and has mixed reviews. In short placement and display of certain ads will revolve around your location. For instance; you are passing by a Starbuck's and just as your in their given radius a Starbuck's ad showing their latest sale will appear on your iPhone.

Apple's Ping: The latest addition to Apple's iTunes arsenal. Ping is an all new social networking site that infuses the personalization of twitter with the smooth layout of Facebook. You can follow your favorite artist and become apart of their inner circle. Ping also lets you in on what music your favorite artist are listening to. This site has allot of potential and is geared for mass appeal because music is something we all can enjoy from rock to rap.

Impact on society: Each of these medias have their own significant impact on society. The digital graffiti wall can be interpreted as a creative component  of the green movement. The art of graffiti is usually shunned by many environmentally conscious people, because of the use of aresol cans. However with the "paint" being ultra violet light penetrating the smart board the ozone doesn't take any damage. This form of art has also started a trend of "smart art" and digital graffiti without the limitations of a smart board. This can be categorized as projection art, which is another form of earth friendly art and breaks the norm of where art can take place. 

-GPS advertising is another media that breaks the norm. However the repercussions are more intrusive than temporary light. GPS advertising can make society become more numb to the constant barrage of messages we indulge daily. This is also has positive benefits to society; in that the convenience of knowing sales around you at a buttons notice.

-Lastly Ping has the potential to become a societal changer. In 48 hours alone the site gain over one million users. The site itself is very new but I predict that Ping will result in people using Facebook, myspace and twitter less to post music. Also the sites that last the pressure from will find a niche market to cater to.  

1 comment:

  1. Class really gave me a better insight of medias, and how they can impact society.

    Thanks Prof Jay !
