Friday, September 10, 2010

Photoshop Assignment Part 1

For my project I chose the up and coming networking site by Apple named Ping. Ping’s content is revolved around music; including mini blogs, album downloads, music downloads (Mp3s files) and videos.

The content on the site is pretty restricted. You can only comment and rate and review music on the iTunes store. Thus anything outside of iTunes for example the Beatles is off limits. The content you encounter is heavily dependent on whom you follow and what they do aside from your own purchases and ratings of music.  Messaging content is very particular on Ping. You can only like specific items in iTunes, comment on other’s purchases and rate iTunes approved albums. There is no clear way to freely post anything you want for no reason. Hopefully updates in the future can loosen up the posting restrictions, which will also give the site more diverse content.

Marshal McLuhan was a great thinker that style of work can appeals to my project greatly. Marshal would of focused on the effect and method of delivery over the actual content presented through Ping. Marshall would the message and effect and societal change Ping would bring. Ping is an example of social networking becoming more of a personalized and tailored experience through music. Marshall would of also noted that music is now more of a of identification tool that people use to connect with others. 

Here are some visual representations of Ping and it's effects. 

Feel free to comment. Any input at all would be great.

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